Finding Quick Inspiration for Home Projects

In October I was hit with a very unexpected project - my kitchen flooded and I needed to do a full remodel. A huge home project is already overwhelming, but add onto it that this wasn’t anticipated and I was feeling STRESSED! A lot of decisions had to be made quickly and these are the three steps I took to get inspired for this project in the very limited time I had (like AN EVENING). Even if you don’t have a project coming up, sometimes it just feels so good to set a specific timeline for figuring stuff out…use these steps as you please!

  1. Write it all down I start every project by putting pen to paper. I like to picture myself in the completed room and ask these questions: How does it make me feel? What does an entire day in this space look like? What goals do I have? What colors are in the room? What do I want/need? I also name the room in this step, we call our house the Park House, so my kitchen is called Park House Kitchen. Have fun with it and allow yourself to feel ownership of your space.

  2. Start pinning Take your responses to step 1 and head to pinterest. It is the easiest place to get lots of inspiration quickly, especially if you have used pinterest in the past, your results will be tailored specifically for you.

  3. Make the mood board Take your pins and put them into canva, powerpoint, or any other program you like to use. Pinterest has a collage feature that you can use from your phone, I made the mood board below using that feature. Add and take away, alter things, and go with your gut. It’s. important not to overthink this step, you don’t have to make any decisions here but are instead creating the overall aesthetic you want to achieve in the space. Your mood board can include anything, definitely think beyond pictures of rooms. Art, photography, nature, even clothing can find their way to your mood board.

After you’ve completed these steps, use your mood board to confirm that everything you are bringing into your space will help achieve something on the board. It is so easy to get stuck in the inspiration gathering phase, so I hope these steps help unlock the ideas you already have in you and get you moving on your home projects! Need more help? Reach out, I’d love to work as your interior designer helping you along this process!


